Thursday, January 27, 2022

Pay Attention, Cloud People

The greatest social critic of this century was Angelo Codevilla, who used the term "cloud people" to designate the elite.  "Dirt people" was the rest of us, by the way.

So ZMan decides to set the stage.

One of the features of every societal crisis is that the elites of the society stop enforcing the rules of society, especially on themselves. Prior to the collapse of the Roman Republic, the elites started making exceptions to the rules. In the short term they seemed practical, but in the long term these exceptions undermined the moral logic of the rules entirely. Before long, a man in Gaul could decide that the rules no longer applied and he was free to do as he pleased.

This is at the core of the current crisis in the American empire. The rules have become arbitrary with regards to the elite. In turn the elites no longer enforce basic principles that are the foundation of the country. One of the principles is property. It used to be understood that you own the produce of your labor. That was the default and infringement on your ownership had to clear a high bar. Today, the powerful can steal your property without consequence....

Property is Z's thing in that column, but "person" is .....ahhhh.....more personal.  

The same elites have determined that you and all your progeny no longer have an inherent right to personal integrity--that is, they have determined that you WILL take The Vaxx, and now, according to the horrible little gnome running NIAID (who resembles Gollum in so many ways), your children will take at least FOUR hits of the experimental genetic injection.

Someone in Gaul will decide that the rules no longer apply.

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