Friday, January 21, 2022

Olympic Safety? Yes/No. Take Your Pick

President PoopyPants will NOT take responsibility for the safety of US Olympic competitors.

On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that “If” President Joe Biden had concerns about the safety of American athletes competing in the 2022 Beijing Olympics, “we would work with the U.S. Olympic Committee to address that.”...


Riddle me this, Batman:  if things over there are so "safe" then how come the USOC told our athletes to USE BURNER PHONES?

Does the USOC expect the Chinese Communist Party--inventor of Covid-19--to spy on athletes?  

Is that "safe", PeeSacki??


  1. Saint Revolution1/21/2022 8:05 AM

    7:58 AM 01/21/2022
    2022.01.21 FRI 0758aCST

    COVID-19 was invented, created, and developed by Dr Ralph Baric at The University Of North Carolina Chappell Hill under the "supervision" of Fraudci and CIA, funded by In-Q-Tel, and shared with the Chinese under a parallel research agreement. The Chinese let the damn thing loose. The Americans invented it. On purpose. It was created as a bio-weapon, purpose for creation purportedly "unknown", yet obvious, as you look around.

    The evidence for all of this is OVERWHELMING, readily available via deep research and investigation, has been available since Fall of 2019 AND even before, and is supported by some of the most credible intelligent doctors, scientists, businessmen, researchers, investigators, et alii, etc in the world, including Nobel Peace Prize Recipients, other world-renowned medical awards Recipients, and unbelievably deeply intelligent and credible people like Dr David Martin, et alii.

    The paper trail of over ~4,000+ AMERICAN (again, that's AMERICAN) Patents for COVID-19 go all the way back to 1998/1999 timeframe PROVING this is NOT a novel (new) concoction like they want the world to believe NOR is it naturally occurring in Nature like they want the world to believe.

    The Chinese did NOT invent COVID-19. US .gov, in all its corrupt criminal traitorous treasonous glory, did.

  2. Saint Revolution1/21/2022 8:14 AM

    COVID-19 was corrupt criminal traitorous treasonous malice aforethought by US .gov and US "Intelligence" Operations.
