Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Local Pravda Hates Truth. Surprised?

Bice, whose world-view apparently remains in the Woodstock era, doesn't like Ron Johnson's truth-telling.  After the usual half-truths and egregiously out-of-context quotes, Bice comes up with this:

...Now he's taking on a new topic: out-of-wedlock births. 

And who's to blame for the rate of unmarried childbearing in the U.S.? Former President Lyndon Baines Johnson, the architect of the Great Society.

LBJ, of course, died nearly 50 years ago. ...

LBJ's death has nothing to do with the thesis, but just as irrelevant, Harry Grant died in 1963.

..."You know, we had a booming economy and people were lifting themselves out of poverty (in the 1960s). But then we instituted the Great Society programs," the second-term Wisconsin Republican told Lou Dobbs' on "The Great America Show" podcast last week. 

The Great Society was an alphabet soup of social and antipoverty programs that Johnson, a Democrat, pushed through Congress in the 1960s. They included food stamps, Medicare, Medicaid, Head Start, federal educational funding, housing assistance and increased welfare spending....

All true.

..."But you know what skyrocketed? Out-of-wedlock birth rates," Johnson told Dobbs. "Back in the mid-'60s, probably on average, somewhere between 5% and 10% of births were out of wedlock. Now, nationally, we're over 40%."...

Also true. 

Of course, Bice plays the 'correlation/causation' card and finds some UW-Madistan prof to correlate Bice's causation theory.  And Bice does make a good point here, too:

 ...A number of factors have contributed to the rise in out-of-wedlock births, he said.

There has been a rise in cohabitation, more permissive sexual mores, a decline in shotgun weddings, easier divorce laws, a drop in manufacturing jobs for males without college degrees and greater financial independence for women. ...

Uh-huh.  But ALL of the above have a real-world connection to money, which was spent by the bushel to support unwed mothers due to LBJ's programs (and those of FDR, as Bice notes.)

So RoJo's right, although Bice tries to confuse his readers by ignoring the elephant in the room and finding 2 college profs to do the same.

Another day ending in "y", another attack on RoJo.

1 comment:

  1. Here is another article the Local Pravda will never print.......

    Insurance Company Refuses to Pay Claim, Says Death by Experimental COVID Vaccine is the Same as Suicide


    The insurance company justified the refusal of payment to the family by stating that the use of experimental medication or treatments, including Corona injections, is expressly excluded from the insurance contract. The family’s subsequent lawsuit against the insurance company has been unsuccessful.

    .....The court allegedly justified its ruling as follows: “The side effects of the experimental vaccine are published and the deceased could not claim to have known nothing about it when he voluntarily took the vaccine. There is no law or mandate in France that compelled him to be vaccinated. Hence his death is essentially suicide.” Since suicide is not covered by the policy from the outset, the insurance refuses to budge........
