Saturday, January 22, 2022

Just Like in 2012, When Obama Won

The Left-O-Wonzies out there, such as the League of Democrat Vote-Hustlers Women Voters, would like all of you to forget what it was like to elect Obama in 2012.

Because in 2012, the City of Milwaukee didn't put "drop boxes" in dozens of spots so that Democrat party operatives could stuff them with 'ballots' from ghost voters.

So in a case won by honest voters and lost by the Fraud Machine.....

...The state Department of Justice, led by Democratic Attorney General Josh Kaul, notified Bohren on Thursday it plans to appeal. The defendant groups on Friday asked Bohren to stay the ruling on an emergency basis, arguing that changing election procedures so close to the Feb. 15 primary will confuse voters and lead to people not being able to cast ballots.

Luke Berg, an attorney for the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty, countered that restricting drop box placement is a simple change that shouldn't confuse anyone.

Bohren refused to issue the stay, saying he was confident the ruling wouldn't cause any irreparable harm. He also reiterated that the election commission had no legal grounds to advise clerks to place drop boxes anywhere and there's no harm in reverting to the pre-2020 status quo....

"Pre-2020," like for BOTH the elections that Obama won.

It's about time that someone told the Wisconsin Democratic Vote-Fraud Machine Elections Commission to stick it up their ass.

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