Sunday, January 16, 2022

FEEBS Sink Even Lower (!!)

You might have thought that the FBI could not sink lower than it has.

You were wrong.

...The man holding a rabbi and other Jews hostage was a Pakistani named Muhammad Siddiqui. He was demanding the release of his anti-Semitic sister, Aafia Siddiqui, who is currently in prison for trying to kill US military personnel. The Islamist community has made the terrorist a living martyr, with CAIR hosting many rallies seeking her freedom.

Thankfully, due to the actions of the local police and the SWAT team that was present, the hostage-taker was killed and everyone is now safe. As per usual, that left the FBI to march in and take things over...

So the FEEBS opened their mouths and said....

....The Islamist terrorist, who held Jews hostage at a Texas synagogue, on Sabbath, was “singularly focused on one issue” that was not “specifically related to the Jewish community. He then adds “We are continuing to work to find motive.”...


Now shut up, they said.

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