Sunday, December 19, 2021

Peron, Peppermint Patty, and the Old Rite

The good English priest has an essay which addresses the Latin (!!!!) version of Traditiones.

The Peppermint Patty part:

In Bergoglian culture, the principle is "Lie whenever possible. Truth is only for fools."

For example:

...the Responsa assert that the old liturgical books have been abrogated. Since Benedict XVI said in 2007 that they had not been abrogated, Roche and his fellow conspirators need to explain to us when, and by whom, since Benedict XVI made that statement in 2007, the "abrogating"was done....

Peppermint Patty serves as Biden*'s principal liar.  Roche & Co. merely emulate her work.

Here's the Peronista part:

 ...The Decree was drafted in Italian or Spanish. The Italophones and the Hispanophones, brought up on the purest milk of Peronist dogma and praxis, had of course no problem about the idea of two dicasteries acting like Stasi agents, snooping around in their battered trilbies jotting down incriminating information about bishops and clergy who are, in terms of rigid Bergoglian ideology, off- message.

But then Somebody Anglophone in the CDW looked at the texts, and remarked: "Er ... English people don't much like spies and sneaks and the Gestapo and informers and tell-tales and lickspittles. Um, er, we'd better tone the English version down a bit."...

Peron often contradicted himself several times a day, depending on the audience to whom he was speaking.




    Art Appreciation Sunday: See painting titled "Traditionis Custodes" at the link.

    Traditionis custodes: Vatican further tightens restrictions on Traditional Latin Mass

  2. is a marvellous thing to be living at a time when the pope is a heretic. Being a heretic pope
    obviously does not make him unique. Bergoglio got elected through the machinations of the ‘St
    Gallen mafia’ of ‘progressive’ cardinals, partly coordinated by Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor whose
    family come from Co. Cork, as do mine. Hence, he awaits the pope in my painting, the sub-title of
    which is ‘And a Cork man put him there’.11 Dante envisioned pope Boniface upside down in the
    burning pit in the 8th circle of hell among the fraudsters. It has been my privilege to do likewise with

    Eugene de Leastar
    Lettergesh, Connemara.
    29th June 2018.
