Sunday, December 05, 2021


Katherine Kersten wrote an essay on the new Minnesota educational standards.  Naturally, they include CRT.

But some of that language pertains to a current-day non-racial situation.  Here's an excerpt from the standards:

Resistance: Describe how individuals and communities have fought for freedom and liberation against systemic and coordinated exercises of power locally and globally…and organize with others to engage in activities that could further the rights and dignity of all; and

Ways of Knowing: Use ethnic and indigenous studies methods in order to understand the roots of contemporary systems of oppression and apply lessons from the past to eliminate historical and contemporary injustices.

Gee.  "Systemic and coordinated exercises of power locally and globally...." describes the Covidian Pfizer-Pushers pretty well, doesn't it?\

Thought so.

In high school:

Analyze how caste systems based upon race, social class, and religion have been used to justify imperialism, colonization, warfare, and chattel slavery; how those caste systems and justifications have changed over time; and how they influence our society today,”...

"Changed over time"?  Sure!!  Ask any Australian in a prison camp, or wait a month or so and ask any Austrian who will either submit or be a prisoner in their own home (so far.)

The Imperialism and Warfare of the Ruling (Covidian) Class.

Some things never change.

1 comment:

  1. CRT is often painted as a Marxist ideology, but it's really not; the real Marxists hate it (and have a pretty good criticism of it). This is one of the few cases where actual Communism represents an improvement in worldview.

    The thing about CRT that people don't get is that it has to be false to be functional. If American were really a racist plot, pointing out the ways that its structures keep down black people wouldn't have any effect. Nobody in the Jim Crow South was going to be shocked or moved by pointing out that grandfather clauses and such depressed the black vote: everyone understood that was the whole purpose of them.

    So when CRT comes up with a criticism of American society being unfair and Americans rush to fix it, that is itself proof that the assumptions of CRT are false. And good that they are. Americans are mostly decent people who want to treat each other decently, and will try to be fair wherever they can see a fair way.
