Monday, December 20, 2021

Haley: RINO Bearing a Book

The Daily Caller is whitewashing Nikki Haley's background to push her advance in the race for the Pubbie nomination for President in '24.

You can read their review of her 'book' (actually, a collection of essays from various people) here.

The Caller seems to forget all about Haley's passion for Globaloney, which is why she 'voluntarily' quit her UN ambassador gig under Trump, who had figured out her game.

They also have a very strange take on 'what Republicans want' in government.

...Conservatives in recent decades have taken a Reaganite view that smaller government is better government, but an increasingly large movement within the party — calling themselves National Conservatives — argues the right should be less concerned with how big the government is than what the government is being used to do....

Yah, right.

An actual Conservative wants a far smaller Federal behemoth AND the concomitant 'less doing'.  We have States, remember?

That's something every SwampCreature would like to forget:  those damned States.

And that's something every actual Conservative should push very, very, hard. 

The Daily Caller's take on "Conservatives" is perfectly aligned with that of any functionary, politician, or journalist who has soaked in the Swamp-waters for too long.  As Salena Zito has found out, the rest of the country generally dislikes D.C.--if not actually abhorring the place and its attitude.

Too bad.  When Tucker Carlson was at the Caller, they had a clue.

1 comment:

  1. Captured: Nikki Haley is One of Klaus Schwab’s ‘Young Global Leaders’
    The donor-class darling for 2024 was one of Klaus Schwab's 'Young Global Leaders' of 2011.

