Wednesday, November 03, 2021

We're Back, Crotchety as Ever!

Spent a bit of time in the heart of Johnny Reb territory.  Saw a billboard on the way through Tennessee, contending that the South remains subservient to the North.  Maybe their version of CRT or something?

Truck traffic on I-75 just as bad as on I-80/94.

Drivers in Georgia apparently have all day to get wherever they're going.  Either that or the cops down there don't tolerate 2MPH over the limit.  Sheesh.

Spent time quite a bit west of ATL, where there are big yards.  So big that one of the neighbors leans over his porch every few days and fires a dozen rounds for practice.  Yeeee Ha!!

1 comment:

  1. See , prayers to St. Anthony really do work...
