Friday, November 19, 2021

Oesterreich Goes Fascist

This will not go well.  Austrians are fairly docile, but not morons.

Austria’s Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg and Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein both said a lockdown alone was not enough to end the “vicious circle” of increasing spread of the virus and repeated lockdowns. They announced that the government would begin preparing for a general vaccination requirement to come into effect in February 2022 at the latest. Mückstein said: “The lockdown will break the fourth wave; the way out of the fifth wave is vaccination, vaccination, vaccination.”  --quoted at Vox

The Endless Fail "Vaccine"?  Again?  Even more moronic than Fraudci.


  1. I understand they're threatening actual jail time for not taking the poison jabs.

    Bring it.

  2. Go to the link to see

    original article is in French. The translation below was auto generated:

    Austria rises against "health dictatorship"
    November 16, 2021- 15:33 by Emilien Lacombe
