Thursday, September 16, 2021

Sex Essays in High School (!?!!) and Board Problems

This is not really surprising.  It points to two serious problems:  the degeneracy of many teachers AND the level of fecklessness (or just plain stupidity) of School Board members.

...“Hudson Mayor Craig Shubert and Hudson High School parents are calling for the resignation of school board members and teachers,” Cleveland. com reported. And if they refuse to resign, the mayor promised to have them charged with child pornography....


...The controversy erupted after students in the school’s Liberal Arts II writing class received a book of writing prompts titled 642 Things to Write About. The book is a product of the San Francisco Writers’ Grotto and includes exactly the type of suggested writing topics you would expect from that degenerate city.

Here are the ones that have the mayor and parents justifiably furious:

  • Write a sex scene you wouldn’t show your mom.
  • Rewrite the sex scene from above into one that you’d let your mom read.
  • You have just been caught in bed by a jealous spouse. How will you talk your way out of this?
  • Write a sermon for a beloved preacher who has been caught in a sex scandal.
  • Describe a time when you wanted to orgasm but couldn’t.
  • Ten euphemisms for sex.
  • Describe your favorite part of a man’s body using only verbs.
  • Write an X-rated Disney scenario.
  • A roomful of people who want to sleep together.
  • The first time you had sex.

This is also called "grooming."  Make sexual activity into something similar to eating popcorn so that promiscuity is normalized and so that NON-promiscuous teenagers are viewed as "others."

Recently, lots of parents have discovered that their school administrators and curriculum managers are converting schools into left-wing hothouses ("hot" in a lot of ways.)  At the same time, reading, writing, and arithmetic scores continue to deteriorate across the board, even in 'high-performing' districts like Elmbrook.

They've also learned that school board members haven't a friggin' clue about what's going on in the schools--and they've also learned that school board members who ran as "conservatives" are only "conservative" when it comes to finances. They have no apparent knowledge of what's being taught, and have even less interest in FIRING Superintendents and staffers who are actively destroying children's innocence and their inherent patriotism.

The Marxist/Hegelian "diversity, equity, inclusiveness, belonging" (racism 101) stuff is only the most recent; the sex-ed/porn instruction has been in place for 30-40 years.

Make no mistake:  the corruption, promiscuity, and degeneracy you see in D.C. is directly related to the rot we're all noticing in public (and many private) schools.

This will take more than a couple months to resolve.

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