Saturday, September 18, 2021

Ozzies Protest, With Arrests

The Ozzies are not 'dead', nor are they hiding.

...Australia's government has chosen to enact stringent restrictions to combat COVID-19. After the sixth lockdown since the pandemic began, anti-lockdown protesters in Melbourne have had enough with draconian virus measures and voiced their opposition in the streets on Saturday. ...

...Their right to protest freely was quickly deemed illegal as a massive brawl between demonstrators and police broke out. More than 200 people in Melbourne were arrested at illegal anti-lockdown rallies,...

 ...On the ground, there was a massive police presence. RT News said local reports indicate around 2,000 officers were called in. ...

Note the response of the local Chief Goon Cop:

...Victoria Police Commander Mark Galliott told local media that these protesters came out "not to protest freedoms, but simply to take on and have a fight with the police." ...

Oh.  Recognize the template?  That's Goon-talk for "INSURRECTION!!!"

And it's a lie no matter who says it.

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