Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Huh? No Safety/Efficacy Info on The Vax?

Isn't this interesting.....

...Americans can't obtain a full disclosure about the efficacy findings of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines because the FDA hasn't released its Pfizer vaccine clinical efficacy and safety reviews yet.  (The myriad materials at the link do not include the clinical efficacy and safety reviews.)  This is true even though we know that these reviews are complete because they are required for the full approval that Comirnaty (the Pfizer vaccine) has been given.Historically, both the safety and efficacy medical officer reviews are posted online simultaneously with the FDA approval letter — but for one reason or another, they weren't with Comirnaty. ...

Count on the Journal-Sentinel Pravda to ignore this and--without evidence--write about The Vax as though it's both safe and efficacious.

1 comment:

  1. Here's what we get in Canada (2 were just given full approval):
