Friday, August 27, 2021

Whining, Crying Capitol Cops

Poor widdle babies.  Overpaid, overstaffed, world's greatest benefits, but crybabies nonetheless.

...The latest suit was filed in US District Court in Washington by The LawyersCommittee for Civil Rights on behalf of seven Capitol Police officers who battled Trump loyalists at the Capitol....

...The suit alleges they engaged in an “unlawful effort to use force, intimidation, and threats to prevent Congress from certifying the results of the 2020 Presidential election.”

“Because of Defendants’ unlawful actions, Plaintiffs were violently assaulted, spat on, tear-gassed, bear-sprayed, subjected to racial slurs and epithets, and put in fear for their lives, the complaint said. Five of the police officers filing suit are Black....

Don't like the conditions in the job YOU signed up for?  Need a good cry to feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel better?

There's a two-word response to these diapered children.


  1. Good for the cops to sue. So much for you supporting law and order.

  2. Dumbass says: "Good for the cops to sue. So much for you supporting law and order."
    But the Barney Fifes don't Antifa and BLM when they rioted.
    Maybe all cops should sue the public Everytime they get their feelings hurt or break a nail.

  3. Again, good for the cops. You're pissing on their grave, Mar. Is that what you call Christian charity?

  4. What cop was killed by the protestors, dumbass?

  5. You can't be this stupid, Mar.

  6. He's not stupid, Anony. He's right.

    You are a sad piece of shit.
