Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The OTHER "FBI Lies" Story

It's now a commonplace that the FBI lies all the time about whatever their political masters tell them to lie about.  As a source of reliable and factual information to US citizens (nominally their boss), the FBI is useless if not destructive.

This is not a recent phenomenon.  Hoover was a dirtball and a dirtball-player; he set the standard.  So when TWA Flight 800 was shot down by the US Navy, guess who was called in to invent a story about it?


Today, the Navy is run by femmy twits-with-funny-hats, capable of reciting the Alphabet of LBGQTSHXYZ, but not remotely capable of running a motorboat on an inland lake.

Don't worry about the Russians or the Chinese.  Worry about the FBI and the Booboisie that is the Navy.


  1. It's now a commonplace irrational idea among some Americans to tout that the FBI lies all the time about whatever their political masters tell them to lie about. As far as a source of reliable and factual information to US citizens (nominally their boss), overall, their track record has been better than what is being advertised by these irrational Americans.

  2. Sure. On matters which are mundane or irrelevant, except for their manufacturing of lab work "results":

    There are stupid people who believe everything the FBI says. There are people who are smart enough to double-check and be skeptical.

    Choose one.

  3. Skeptical, sure. Paranoid, like yourself? No.

  4. Oooooh. That smarts. Oooooooh.

  5. Let's talk "Paranoid."

    Frank Figliuzzi.

    'Nuff said.
