Friday, July 16, 2021

Pelosi's Plan

In case you haven't figured out why Pelosi has deployed the Capitol Cops--complete with military-grade surveillance devices--nationally, and why cretins such as Generalissimo Milley mumble and mutter publicly about suppressing 'insurrection,'.........well, we have your answer.

...The Cuban independent news outlet 14 y Medio reported on Wednesday that it could confirm, citing civil society organizations, “over 5,000 people imprisoned or under investigation” as a direct result of Sunday’s protests, among them a disproportionate number of journalists and pro-democracy activists. It noted that the regime’s internet shutdown made it much more difficult to communicate across the island, so there are likely a high number of others who participated in protests but remain incommunicado or whose relatives have not been able to reach journalists to report them missing....

 Think we're pushing the envelope a bit?

OK, then.  Explain the imprisonment-without-bail of the furry-head wackbean, or Bai-Den's*/Nancy's orders to the FBI to track down grannies and other citizens who committed trespassing.


While you're at it, explain the other, contrary, phenomenon of ignoring riot, vandalism, looting, and assault of Nancy-Allies BLM and Antifa in Portland, Seattle, and Kenosha.


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