Tuesday, July 27, 2021

DoJ Goes 100% Perverse

Not even Orwell could imagine this.

In January I analyzed the Biden administration’s plans to alter the terminology used to refer to “aliens”. Those changes are now being imposed on the nation’s 539 immigration judges (IJs) and the 28 members of the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA). It is a problematic move, because their job is to apply the law, and the main word they are now all-but forbidden to use — “alien” — is the law. The courts should really focus on issuing more decisions, a task they are struggling to accomplish.

On July 23, Jean King, [Chief Dipshit and] Acting Director of the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) — the DOJ entity that oversees the immigration courts and the BIA — issued Policy Memorandum (PM) 21-27. It “directs EOIR staff, including adjudicators, to use language that is ‘consistent with our character as a Nation of opportunity and of welcome.’” [Internal brackets omitted.]

The quote within that quote comes from section 1 of Executive Order (EO) 14012, issued by President Biden on February 2 and captioned “Restoring Faith in Our Legal Immigration Systems and Strengthening Integration and Inclusion Efforts for New Americans”....

So immigration judges may no longer use the word "ALIEN" when issuing decisions on ALIENS--a term embedded in the law about ALIENS.

No-Bail imprisonment for trespassing in the Capitol BUT no charges or detentions for criminal looting, destruction of property, arson, assault.  Nietzsche's transvaluation of all values has arrived in America.

One begins to see the rationale behind vigilantism.

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