Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Thank You, Mr. President

Howie Carr assembled the list, and it is VERY impressive.  

Thank you for restoring the U.S. as the world’s leading producer of energy – after your predecessor sternly lectured us that we “couldn’t drill our way” out of our dependence on unstable Middle Eastern oil providers.

Thank you for the tax cuts for the middle class.

Thank you for destroying genocidal ISIS, which your predecessor called “the junior varsity.”

Thanks for shutting off the endless flow of illegal immigrants at the southern border, and the unending supply of MS-13 gangbangers, among other criminals, as well as the welfare-dependent illiterate indigents who were so destabilizing American society before you became president.

Thank you for calling out the endless hypocrisy of the media — what you so aptly described as “Very Fake News.”

Thank you for promoting economic policies that led to the lowest unemployment rates ever for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans and women, among others.

Thank you for doing more to promote peace in the Middle East than all of your predecessors combined.

Thank you for calling out and exposing the feckless RINOs of your own party like Willard Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Kelly Ayotte, et al.

Thanks for finally standing up to Red China and its predatory trade practices.

Thanks for calling out Fox News Channel for its duplicitous descent into terminal wokeness.

Thank you for Operation Warp Speed, an amazing achievement for which you will never receive the appropriate credit.

Thanks for pardoning all the persecuted victims of the Russian collusion hoax, among them Gen. Michael Flynn and Roger Stone.

Thank you for eliminating Obamacare’s “individual mandate,” which fined individuals for not buying health insurance they didn’t want or couldn’t afford.

Thank you for taking more questions from (almost always hostile) reporters than all of the last three or four presidents combined.

Thanks for getting the U.S. out of such foreign policy disasters as the Iran nuclear deal, the Paris Climate Accords and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, as well as ending the fiasco for American workers that was NAFTA.

Thanks for such a booming economy that seven million people got off the food-stamp rolls.

Thanks for all those tweets that drove the Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) crazy.

Also, a personal note on Twitter: Thanks for the three tweets promoting my book, “What Really Happened: How Donald J. Trump Saved America from Hillary Clinton.”

As Donald Trump Jr. told me: “That’s two tweets more than he gave my book!”

Thank you for not turning the IRS into an instrument of persecution against your political foes, the way your predecessor did.

Thanks for not surveilling reporters a la the Obama administration.

Thanks for ending state oppression against people of faith like the Little Sisters of the Poor.

Thank you for trying to defund “sanctuary cities” where illegals run amok.

Thanks for the three new justices on the Supreme Court — think how much worse Hillary’s picks would have been, and maybe someday they’ll grow the spines they so obviously lacked last month in Texas v. Pennsylvania.

Thank you for defanging North Korea and Little Rocket Man.

Thanks for opening up more of our North Atlantic waters for New England commercial fishermen and lobstermen.

Thanks for defending both the First and Second Amendments, and for railing against Section 230, which the billionaire fascists of Silicon Valley are abusing to shut down free speech.

Thank you for appointing U.S. attorneys who actually wanted to put real criminals in prison, without fear or favor.

Thanks for using the death penalty, when necessary, against the worst of the worst serial killers.

Thank you for the travel ban, which has largely halted the flow of terrorists like the Tsarnaevs, who had been welcomed into the U.S. and put on welfare by previous administrations, Democrat and Republican alike.

Thanks for the balance in my 401(k).

Thanks for the lowest gasoline prices in decades.

Thanks for the largest number of Americans with gainful employment since the government started keeping records.

Thank you for ordering the elimination of two of the most bloodthirsty terrorists on earth, al-Baghdadi and Gen. Soleimani.

To borrow a line from “The Last Hurrah,” “How do you thank a guy for a million laughs?”

Thanks for all the great nicknames — Crooked Hillary, Li’l Marco, Low Energy Jeb, etc.

Thanks for all the amazingly entertaining rallies, if not for bringing back the Village People’s “Macho Man” song.

Mr. President, I could go on and on and on, but all of us Deplorables and bitter clingers and credulous Boomer rubes just want you to know how much we appreciate the four years you gave us to prepare and fortify ourselves for the impending disaster ahead.

We’ll be back, Mr. President, and so will you.

Carr's right.  We are not going anywhere, and are ready, willing, and able to eradicate the girly-girl Republicans at the local and national level.  Electorally, of course. 


  1. Dan O’Donnell at WISN radio just posted the amazing list of President Trump’s accomplishments. It is incredible that he accomplished so much ...but so sad that Biden will undo many of them.

  2. Saint Revolution1/22/2021 8:43 AM


    Oh, c'mon.

    MOST of the crap on this list WE THE PEOPLE already knew about FOR DECADES and were screaming for change for a VEEERRRRYYY long time, long before Trump. Trump didn't "enlighten" anybody about anything.

    You Trump sycophants have gone way overboard creditting Trump with accomplishments having little or nothing to do with Trump.

    Can't tell you how many people that couldn't stand Trump before Trump was elected suddenly, after Trump was elected, he's AmeriKKKa-stan's answer to salvation from liberals. C'mon.

    Trump was mostly a meh, yawn, ineffectual Pres, especially when it came to what REALLY mattered, like reversing a stolen election, hiring the right cabinet/DOJ'ers/FBI'ers/Intelligence'ers/etc, or doing ANYTHING about criminal H1B criminal visas stealing AmeriKKKa-stan jobs, or reversing the most heinous stolen election TREASON in AmeriKKKa-stan history including holding thousands accountable for TREASON, etc. Trump had EVERYTHING and ALL TOOLS he needed at his disposal and in his power to STOP THE STEAL since 11.04.2021 and, yet, he did NOTHING, in the end.

    Trump was a bloviater, a promiser, and a tweeter (as opposed to a woofer, for all you A/V types out there ;) ).

    Trump was, probably, CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. If your ignorant uninformed self doesn't know what that means, LOOK IT UP!

    And I, reluctantly, voted for Trump in '16. He was just better than HildeBeast. That was all. Scott Walker would've probably been better for AmerKKKa-stan ... and I'm biting my tongue writing THAT.

    I didn't vote at all in '20 simply because I saw THE STEAL coming, because, for decades now, I knew and know our Vote matters NOT, and because I am finally and completely fed up.

    Trump was simply nothing more than anti-Hillary.
    Trump didn't fulfill even one major campaign promise.
    Trump was a HHUUUGGGE disappointment and a generally ineffective four-year blip in AmeriKKKa-stan Presidential history.

    It is what WE THE PEOPLE did that will be remembered ... especially our right to assemble and protest at The Capitol ... that was WE THE PEOPLE, not Trump.

  3. Saint Revolution1/22/2021 8:44 AM


    Take your rose-coloured glasses off and remember these "greatest hits":
    Trump's broken promises:

    Trump said he would repeal/replace Affordable Care Act, replace it with something "beautiful".
    Never happened.
    Instead, ~7MM more AmeriKKKans-stans lost their health insurance since Trump took office.
    And, to be honest, healthcare costs have continued to skyrocket and spike.

    Trump said he’d cut your taxes, and that the super-rich would pay more.
    Trump did the opposite.
    By 2027, the richest 1% will have received 83% of the Trump tax cut and the richest 0.1%, 60% of it.
    More than half of all AmeriKKKans-stans will pay MORE in taxes.

    Trump said corporations would use their tax cuts to invest in AmeriKKKa-stan workers.
    They didn’t.
    Corporations spent most of their tax savings buying back shares of their own stock than increasing workers wages.

    The REAL unemployment numbers:
    Trump said he would boost economic growth by 4 percent a year.
    Unemployment has soared to the highest levels since The Great Depression, ESPECIALLY for 40+/50+/60+-something white males and 40+/50+/60+ white females. Low paid no benefits jobs are doing fine as are criminal H1B criminal visa hadjis EVEN THOUGH TRUMP SWORE HE'D END THE CRIMINAL H1B CRIMINAL VISAS.
    Just over half of working-age AmeriKKKans-stans are employed ... the worst in ~70+ years.
    The Labour Participation Rate is still the lowest on record in over ~60+ years.
    AND ... and ... age, sex, reverse, colour, ethnic discriminations are at the highest levels ever in AmeriKKKa-stan history, a TRUE "pandemic" of ignored corporate criminality, and EEOC discrimination claims have skyrocketed to the highest ever on record ... and rightly so ... private sector AND governments are getting away with murder WITH IMPUNITY when it comes to fair hiring practices in AmeriKKKa-stan.

    Trump said he wouldn’t "cut Social Security like every other Republican and I’m not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid".
    His budgets included billions in cuts to Social Security, MediCare, and MedicAid.

    Trump promised to be "the voice" of AmeriKKKan-stan workers.
    The criminal H1B criminal visa program is stealing more AmeriKKKans-stans' STEM jobs than ever in history.

  4. Saint Revolution1/22/2021 8:45 AM


    Trump promised to eradicate criminal H1B criminal visas once and for all.
    Trump followed through on NOTHING and, whenever stopped or stalled by courts or judges, Trump just turned his attention away from the criminal H1B criminal visas matters.
    Only about half of all STEM AmeriKKKans-stans have ever worked in their field ... the other half have never been able to find jobs.
    Terminated AmeriKKKans-stans are still training their hadji criminal H1B criminal visa replacements.
    Criminal H1B criminal visa hadjis actually make, on average, MORE than AmeriKKKans-stans in the same job, especially in IT.
    The criminal H1B criminal visas crime(s) roll(s) on and Trump reneged on his promise and, basically, did absolutely NOTHING. NOTHING.
    The criminal H1B criminal visas situation is worse for AmeriKKKans-stans NOW than before Trump took office.
    Beyond BEYOND shameful.

    Trump promised the average AmeriKKKa-stan family would see an ~$4,000 pay raise because of his tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations.
    Nothing trickled down.
    Wages for most AmeriKKKans-stans have barely kept up with inflation and have stagnated.
    Most AmeriKKKans-stans have not seen REAL wage increases and parity in pay in DECADES. DECADES.

    Trump promised to eliminate the federal deficit.
    Yah. 'nuf said 'bout 'dat. Ask your grandchildrens' grandchildren.

    Trump said he would hire "only the best people".
    Trump has a four year history of hiring swamp creatures, traitors, and betrayers to WE THE PEOPLE.
    Trump STINKS at vetting and hiring people ... of course, that's IF you believe Trump actually wanted to drain the swamp. I don't.
    Trump has fired a record number of his own cabinet and White House picks. Great hirer/hiring insight and "talent". Yah, The Art Of WhatEver.

    Trump said he'd drain the swamp.
    Yah ... still waiting.
    Oh wait, he's not around any more and the swamp is more in charge than ever ...

    Trump said drug companies are "getting away with murder" and he was going to do something about it.
    Funny, drug prices have soared.
    Fraudci owns four patents on Ralph Baric's CIA/In-Q-Tel-backed FrankenStein corona COVID creation and is making bank on EVERY innoculation sold.
    Surprise, surprise.
    And, to this day, NO serious investigation has commenced into finding the origin of COVID ... because the AmeriKKKa-stan deep state will not indict itself.
    What about that, Trump?!

  5. Saint Revolution1/22/2021 8:46 AM


    Trump promised to help AmeriKKKa-stan workers during the pandemic.
    ~80% of the tax benefits in the coronavirus stimulus package have gone to millionaires and billionaires and huge corporatocracies.
    PPP PayRoll Protection Program forgiveable-loan-free-grants were RIFE with corruption and helped NO employees continue to receive their paycheques.

    Trump said he’d drain the swamp.
    Trump’s brought into his administration more billionaires, CEOs, Wall Street moguls, jews, Benedict Arnolds, and betrayers, comparable to former criminal administrations like OTrauma and l'il Bush junior-stupid.
    Trump’s filled departments and agencies with former lobbyists, lawyers, and consultants, who crafted new policies for the same industries they used to work for.
    I mean, c'mon. OPEN YER F/V/K/N EYES!!!

    Repeal/replace ACA Affordable Care Act criminality.

    Trump said Mexico would pay for border wall.
    What wall?
    Where's the Mexican cheque?
    Where's the FINISHED NEW wall as promised?

    Trump promised prison for HildeBeast.
    Hillary was "pardoned" the moment she conceded in 2016 ... she conceded at ~0200aCST the day after Election Day 2016. I know. I was up and watching the results. AFTER ONE OF THE WORST POLITICAL PRESIDENTIAL DOG FIGHTS IN POLITICAL HISTORY, Hillary conceded less than ~6 hours after the polls closed.
    Yeah, these Presidential election aren't rigged at all.
    What a bunch of popcorn-and-soda Kabuki Theatre.
    Never heard another word about Shrillary from Trump. NEVER. It's ALL a swamp and yer not in it, AmeriKKKa-stan'ers.

    Trump promised to lock up Hillary Clinton for using a private email server.
    Trump didn’t.
    Instead, Trump used his own personal cellular telephone for official business, and several members of his own administration, including Jared Kushner and Ivanka, have used private email in The White House.
    All, by the way, are felonies.

    Trump promised to end DACA.
    The Supreme Court criminals ruled Trump's plan to deport ~700,000 young immigrants unConstitutional.
    DACA still stands.
    So what does Trump do? Like everything else, Trump didn't fight ... just moved on.


  6. Saint Revolution1/22/2021 8:47 AM


    Trump promised to bring an end to Kim Jong-Un’s nuclear program.
    Kim played Trump for a fool and is expanding North Korea’s nuclear program.

    Trump said he’d force companies to keep jobs in AmeriKKKa-stan, and that there would be consequences for companies that shipped jobs abroad.
    Since Trump took office, companies like GE, Carrier, Ford, and Harley Davidson, and even FoxConn, have continued to outsource thousands of jobs while still receiving massive tax breaks.
    Offshoring by federal contractors has increased.
    Criminal H1B criminal visas stealing AmeriKKKa-stan jobs are out of control.
    More criminal H1B criminal visas now than ever in the history of the criminal H1B criminal visas program going back to the late 80s.

    FoxConn con job in Wisconsin.
    'nuf penned there.
    But there was Trump and Scott Walker in Pleasant Prairie WI photo-opp'ed with shovels in hand.
    Do you know how many reticent homeowners lost their properties via eminent domain for the disaster of a promise that never came to pass?!
    At one point, Pleasant Prairie WI was paying taxpayer dollars to "consultants" out of Chicago at over ~$400 an hour to "consult" on the "future" FoxConn site and deal.
    One of the "consultants" was the former mayor of Pleasant Prairie WI.
    Gee, conflict of interest much, you crooked criminal whitebread filth?!

    Trump promised to enact term limits for all members of Congress.
    Never even addressed the issue in all four years.

    Trump promised to "push colleges to cut the skyrocketing cost of tuition".
    Instead, he’s made it easier for for-profit colleges to defraud students, and tuition is still rising.

    Trump made more trips to the golf course than meetings with Fraudci RE COVID.
    This is actually true.
    Golf cost to taxpayers?

    Trump promised to be the voice of the common people.
    Trump’s made his rich friends richer,
    increased the political power of big corporations and the wealthy,
    and harmed working AmeriKKKans-stans.

    I mean, c'mon ... you sycophants.

  7. Saint Revolution1/22/2021 8:48 AM


    Just like EVERY other former President,
    three weeeks from now nobody will give a DAMN about Trump OR Xiden,
    nobody will remember or care about Trump or whatever he did or didn't do,
    none of the past heinous wrongs done to AmeriKKKans-stans will ever be righted/vindicated,
    we will be constantly gaslighted to "keep looking and moving forward" so as to cover up all past crimes and any accountability for anybody/anything,
    status quo of AmeriKKKa-stan tyranny will continue under Xiden,
    REAL approval ratings for President(s), Congress, politicians, and politics will continue slamming through the floor like concrete blocks dropped from a skyscraper,
    Trump will NOT start a third party,
    nobody will care about Trump by 2022 or 2024,
    AmeriKKKans-stans' half-life attention span of ~15 minutes will assure circuses and crumpets will appease revolution, revolt, and righteousness,
    Trump, in his early 70s, will golf his way into oblivion,
    Xiden and his cabal(s) will become the most hated criminals to ever lizard-crawl the sewer pipes of WashDC,
    no justice will be accomplished,
    and idiot AmeriKKKa-stans'ers just won't give a damn enough to stand up for themselves, just like the past almost ~200 years since The Civil War,
    and duh, and duh, and duh.

    Just so sickeningly sickeningly sad beyond sad.

    WashDC ... HollyWeird for ugly-inside-and-out people.

    Australia is nice this time of year ... or any time of year.

  8. Saint Revolution1/22/2021 8:52 AM

    Two final words:
    Kwame KilPatrick.

    That RIDICULOUS pardon pretty much says it all about CONTROLLED OPPOSITION Trump.
