Sunday, January 10, 2021

Cap Cops Let Them In. Nancy's Orders??

There's no question that the Capitol Police allowed a couple hundred demonstrators into the Capitol building.  Video is all over the place, including at this link.

Why did that happen?  Why did the Cap Cops refuse assistance from both the FBI and the National Guard--TWICE?

Best start here:  Cui bonoWho benefits from pictures of "Trump supporters" running wild in the Capitol?


The Cap Cops do NOT report to the President.  They report to Nancy Pelosi.  

Who benefits, again?  Hmmmmm?


  1. My leftie friend saw reports that Capitol Police were among the group that original assaulted the building, even flashing their IDs/badges. Somehow this is supposed to imply that they were MAGA.

  2. They were MAGA.
