Friday, January 15, 2021

"Armed Insurrection"? Really? Boogaloo Boys

Somebody actually cut through the deliberately-placed fog of the "FBI Bulletin".....

Turns out that a known FBI-informant bunch, Boogaloo Boys, is the subject.

There are approximately 12 members nationally.  And they hate Trump.

Continue your total distrust of the FBI.  They deserve it.


  1. The FBI, warts and all, is to be trusted. It's just easier for you not to critically think when you make such claims.

  2. I think critically of the FBI. Your mileage may vary.

    You know and I know that they do very well at prosecuting cases where their agent provacateur entraps some sucker. You know and I know that "White Supremacists" are NOT 'the primary problem' in the USA. There are--what--1,000 of them?

    They have to earn respect all over again. It will be quite a while before that happens.
