Sunday, December 20, 2020

About That Election.......

Neat summary of election problems here:

...racked up huge vote leads in traditionally Democratic strongholds, including counties that he had never before carried.

– There were wide, unexplained discrepancies between the vote counts for presidential candidates and down-ballot candidates.

– Significant anomalies exist in the state’s voter records. Forty percent of the state’s counties carry more voters on their rolls than voting-age citizens.

– ...many... states using vote tabulation machines made by Election Systems & Software all reported down-ballot race results at significant odds with pre-election polls.

Huh.  Imagine that!!

By the way, that's a raging LEFTY bitching about Turtle McConnell's win in Kentucky.


  1. Powell has said to not be surprised if a Pubbie or two get burned by election fraud investigations. Turtle benefited from the same odd split-ticket voting phenomenon as China Joe.

    Powell as a special counsel would be high entertainment. And Donald Trump’s parting gift to the GOPe.

  2. Trump lost.

    "A review of 10 key states (Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) finds that Dominion systems were used in 351 of 731 counties. Trump won 283 of those counties, 81 percent of the total. He won 79 percent of the counties that didn’t use Dominion systems. In counties that used Dominion systems, Biden got 888,259 votes to Trump’s 851,069. In counties that didn’t use Dominion systems, Biden got 1.54 million votes to Trump’s 1.52 million. In other words, if you eliminated every county that used Dominion systems, Biden still got more votes. Biden won Dominion-using counties by about two points overall compared with his 0.5-point margin in non-Dominion counties…The idea that Trump only lost, say, Pennsylvania, because of Dominion voting systems has to reconcile with the fact that Trump actually won more votes in counties that used Dominion systems (beating Biden by about 74,000 votes in those counties) but lost the state because he was beaten by 154,000 votes in non-Dominion counties. That same pattern holds in Wisconsin as well."

    What about Trump’s legal strategy? Well…

    “The Trump legal team does not seem to have identified any kind of global litigation strategy that has any prospect of changing the outcome of the election, and all of the court filings to date underscore that — as do all of the court rulings that have been issued to date,” said Robert Kelner, a Republican lawyer who chairs the election and political law practice group at Covington & Burling, an international law firm based in Washington. Part of the problem is that Trump’s approach has been backward: Declare crimes first, then look for proof afterward.

    Again and again, the president or his allies said they’d found evidence that would stun the public and swing the election. But, when Trump and his team revealed that evidence, it often was far less than they had promised. A “dead” voter turned out to be alive. “Thousands” of problematic ballots turned out to be one. Election-changing problems turned out to involve a few dozen, or a few hundred, ballots."

    What about voter irregularities? Well...

    "Trump was reacting to a consultant’s report that a judge made public Monday in connection with an election lawsuit in Antrim County, in northern Michigan, where a misapplied software update initially led to incorrect unofficial results being reported on election night. But Trump’s tweet misinterprets the findings of the report, which itself presents a misleading picture.

    Michigan vote tabulators do not read ballots incorrectly 68% of the time. Nor is that statement true if applied only to the Antrim County tabulators in the Nov. 3 election. And the report Trump reacted to, while ambiguous and inaccurate on the subject of errors, does not make that claim.

    The report is signed by cybersecurity analyst Russell James Ramsland Jr. of Allied Security Operations Group, a firm whose representatives have provided analyses and affidavits for lawsuits brought by Trump allies, falsely alleging voter fraud and election irregularities.

    In one such analysis on voter turnout, Ramsland mistook voting jurisdictions in Minnesota for Michigan towns. In another, filed in support of a federal lawsuit in Michigan, he made inaccurate claims about voter turnout in various municipalities, misstating them as much as tenfold."

    Is it not reasonable to believe that just enough voters had decided on their own accord to NOT support him in 2020, much in the same manner that just enough voters chose of their own volition to NOT support Shitlery in 2016, because of their own actions? Why?

  3. You're becoming tiresome with your verbage and--especially--your sourcing. You don't support Trump? Fine. We don't really care.


  4. SOME Dominion machine irregularities exist. WaPo raises a straw-man argument with their flapjaw in your first cite.

    Wasn't Covington the lawfirm which screwed Mike Flynn with horrible representation for umpty-Zillion in fees?

    Ramsland this, Ramsland that.

    Finally, it does not stand to reason (yes, you have to have this "reason" thing) that Trump gained so many votes and lost. The man HAD coat-tails, but no coat? If that's your position, fine.

    There was mail-in ballot fraud in WI, MI, PA, and GA--not to mention more conventional fraud in NV and AZ.

    Biden stole it. You can call that "winning," if you like. Lay back and enjoy it yourself; I'm not going to that party.

  5. "SOME Dominion machine irregularities exist. WaPo raises a straw-man argument with their flapjaw in your first cite".

    You're going to have to support this statement here given your propensity not to tell the truth.

    "Ramsland this, Ramsland that."

    Indeed, he is a train wreck.

    "Finally, it does not stand to reason (yes, you have to have this "reason" thing) that Trump gained so many votes and lost. The man HAD coat-tails, but no coat? If that's your position, fine."

    That's called a strawman. Trump did gain many votes, but he also lost many votes to Biden because citizens who had voted for Trump in 2016 no longer put their faith in him and his policies. And, of course, Trump's abhorrent behavior is decidedly anti-Christian.

    "There was mail-in ballot fraud in WI, MI, PA, and GA--not to mention more conventional fraud in NV and AZ."

    Nope. Trump lost.

  6. Trump's abhorrent behavior is decidedly anti-Christian.

    And YOU are the perfect judge of Christianity! Who knew??

    Stolen, not earned, and he ain't inaugurated. Keep your beak near a reliable news-source over the next week or so. Big stuff about to drop.

  7. "And YOU are the perfect judge of Christianity! Who knew??"

    God knows and you do, too. Trump's life is a big f-u to Christianity.

    Indeed, big stuff is dropping.
