Friday, November 20, 2020

Tucker Goes All Paulie-Ryan

Just a coincidence that Paul Ryan's network offered Carlson a bigger show, and the next day Carlson maligns Sidney Powell.

Carlson may be a hot property, but he's no more entitled than any other opinion-critter. 

 Who does he think he is?  "60 Minutes"?

Sefton at Ace HQ has a pertinent comment:

...Yesterday was not the trial; it was merely the necessary public affirmation and rebuttal to the media narrative begun two weeks ago tomorrow when the press proclaimed Biden to be the winner. The most egregious example of this was none other than Tucker Carlson himself. I'm not saying Carlson is supposed to go "rah-rah, go Trump!" for him to gain my approval. But for him to not recognize the purpose of yesterday's conference is either stupidity or something else. And he's no dope. I guess now we know why he didn't jump off the rapidly sinking wreckage of Fox News. Well, to hell with him....

Maybe Carlson was auditioning for CNN?


  1. FOX is now CNN

  2. It’s settled then! After all, Sidney Powell told radio host Glenn Beck she heard that our forces confiscated the server of an electronic voting system company in Germany with alleged ties to the president’s voter fraud accusations. “The servers at Scytl in Germany were confiscated the other day,” Powell told Beck during a 15-minute conversation related to voter fraud claims made by President Trump. “I’m hearing it was our forces that got those servers, so I think the government is now working on an investigation of what really happened.” And, of course, Trump won in a landslide by earning 410 electoral college votes, and even winning California and Minnesota!

    Wait, what?

    This rumor referenced a claim that computer servers belonging to the Dominion Voting Systems and/or Scytl Secure Electronic Voting companies had supposedly been seized by the U.S. Army in Frankfurt, Germany, and the served data showed that Trump had actually won a landslide victory in the Nov. 3 election. The rumor was one no reliable news outlet gave any credence to, but nonetheless, the far-right, pro-Donald Trump OANN cable channel devoted some airtime to it, as narrated by U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas…Indeed, the claim echoed by Gohmert was a completely fabricated one. In response to that rumor, Scytl noted that they had no servers or offices in Frankfurt, nor had anything of theirs been seized from them by the U.S. military.

  3. Yes, we will accept a non-denial denial.

    By the way, what happened to all those Dominion employees? They've disappeared!! Are they safe, or were they taken to Uighur encampments? Will their attorneys in Pennsylvania get paid?

    Inquiring minds want to know!
