Sunday, November 22, 2020

Powell Out at Trump Campaign!


The Trump campaign issued a statement Sunday night announcing Sidney Powell is not a member of President Trump’s legal team.

The statement was posted online by campaign attorney Jenna Ellis on behalf of lead campaign attorney Rudy Giuliani....

One suspects that Sidney Powell has spent too much TeeVee time.  Whether she said too much or just upstaged Rudy.........well.........


  1. The process lawyers and the media shaping lawyers should not be one in the same. Each has different roles to play; one by a firm set of rules and the other pretty much unrestrained. Doesn’t mean they all aren’t working for the same guy.

  2. Exactly. She's working for Trump as a private citizen so that she can file lawsuits that the campaign cannot. That's what they says, they says that.

  3. Powell has made comments about Republicans being on the receiving end of some collateral damage here. I took that to mean Democrats weren't the only ones with spare cash to influence tabulation results, not concern over some rural pubbie snake voting for his long dead grandfather. There might be two species of swamp critters, but they're both swamp critters all the same. Light that fuse.
