Monday, September 14, 2020

Yes, SARS-CoV-2 Is a Chinese Bio-Weapon

Don't take my word for it.

...we reported that Dr. Li-Meng Yan - a Chinese virologist (MD, PhD) who fled the country, leaving her job at a prestigious Hong Kong university - appeared last week on British television where she claimed SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19, was created by Chinese scientists in a lab.

ZeroHedge then quotes Dr. Yan's paper:

 ..."The evidence shows that SARS-CoV-2 should be a laboratory product created by using bat coronaviruses ZC45 and/or ZXC21 as a template and/or backbone. Building upon the evidence, we further postulate a synthetic route for SARS-CoV-2, demonstrating that the laboratory-creation of this coronavirus is convenient and can be accomplished in approximately six months....


You shouldn't be.  

But let's see how long it takes the "Nooz" to mention this story.  Over/under:  at least 60 days.


  1. Saint Revolution9/15/2020 11:19 AM

    Boy, talk about a "duh" moment.

    Chinese received it from
    Doctor Ralph Baric
    University Of North Carolina
    Chappell Hill NC US

    Baric is ground zero. Baric is ground zero ... NOT Chinese.

    Baric, ie, Frankenstein created this.

    Baric requested the Chinese get him the original normative coronavirus (normal everyday virus that causes colds and flus, from which bats are carriers and all but immune) from bats in caves in China.

    Wuhan procured and shipped normative coronavirus to Baric @ UNC CH under agreement Baric would reciprocate and send duplicate of Baric's "completed" live research back to Wuhan when Baric had created his new monstrosity.

    Baric received normative coronavirus from Wuhan and created the present monstrosity at UNC CH by covering normative coronavirus with a protein shell and injecting it with HIV.

    Baric then shipped a copy to Wuhan for duplicate continuing "research".

    Wuhan both continued research and "accidentally" let out Baric's Frankenstein.

    Meanwhile, US NIH was funding Wuhan and eventually pulled funding.

    When NIH pulled funding, Fauci PERSONALLY kept funding going to Wuhan.

    Fauci owns 4 patents on SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus research and resultant "product".

    All of this is documented, is old hat, and is available research for anyone to find for months now.

    Trouble is, like usual, no one listens. This is, literally, a crime of epidemic proporation, and no one is screaming for an investigation into the origins of this planned disaster.

    The American Sheople are completely cuckolded.

    This is old news ... and Chinese are NOT ground zero ... Baric and UNC CH are.
    They are your Frankenstein.
    They are your perpetrator.
    They are your killer.

    Why no US investigation, or even talk, of origins and source of SARS-CoV-2 or investigation thereof?

    Baric was financed by In-Q-Tel/CIA.

    US indicts Baric, it indicts itself. Of course, it ain't gonna do that.

    Baric has been remonstrated numerous times by contemporaries, CDC, and WHO, since 2012/2013 time frame, to STOP his dangerous "gain of function" mad man research.

    Baric basically refused and even went to court in '15 to continue and was granted continuation because his reasearch, at the time, began just months before a new law would've stopped him. He was "grandfathered" in. From that '15 research eventually came SARS-CoV-2.

    This is a USA intelligence and MIC and Fed .gov bio-weapon created by Baric at UNC CH.

    Chinese received it AFTER it's creation, upon agrement, and continued the madness, including letting it loose, either accidentally or on purpose.

    Again, this is all old hat research that apparently nobody cares about holding anyone accountable for a "PLANDEMIC" and economic disaster that never had to happen in the first place.

    This is the one world order on the move. Illegal UnConstitutional dictates at local, state and fed levels RE anything COVID (masks, distancing, etc) are just soft martial law testing how far they can push The American People and how cuckolded they really are.

    We The People have failed the test miserably.

    Make no mistake. This WAS and IS a "PLAN"DEMIC.

  2. Saint Revolution9/15/2020 11:39 AM

    Was bleating all this way back in March/April 2020 timeframe.

    No one listened. No one IS listening.

    Have MASSIVE research on all of this in personal archives.

    ~50 years from now the Baric TRUTH will finally come out ... like every Reichstag in the US.

    It is September 2020.

    This knowledge has been known since March/April 2020.

    Where is the investigation?

    Good luck.

    US criminal .gov is NOT going to indict itself.

    ... and Baric will retire with a nice big fat public pension ... and the deaths of millions on his Soul.
