Saturday, September 12, 2020

Trump Fires More Rounds at Deep State, Which Fires Back

The fun is just beginning.  Last week, President Trump echoed General Dwight Eisenhower's warning about the "military-industrial complex", which Eisenhower viewed with disgust.  The Deep State and the military-industrial complex are approximately congruent, with the State Department, CIA, Pentagon brass, serious-money defense contractors, Neo-Conservatives and other camp-followers in the cabal.  It is not a co-incidence that Bill Kristol is the father-in-law of the Free Beacon's co-founder and managing editor.

Now Trump is escalating.  Not hard to tell based on the tone of this article and the players involved.

The Trump administration's ambassadorial nominees to Afghanistan and Germany will not be approved by Senate Republicans, according to three congressional aides who cite the nominees’ isolationist and anti-Israel views....

"Isolationist" means the nominee, like Trump, is against the Permanent War on which the Deep State thrives.

"Anti-Israel" means the nominee thinks in terms of America First, does not want US troops in the Middle East where they serve as convenient targets, and thinks it is not remotely necessary to go to war with Iran.  

...Republican congressional aides said that the nomination of ... Douglas Macgregor is almost certain to fail the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The nomination of William Ruger, ...a key figure in Charles Koch's philanthropic empire, to be ambassador to Afghanistan, is unlikely to get a vote from the committee before the November election....

And there's a new "Orange Man Bad" on the scene, but he has dark hair, and happens to be Fox News' most-watched personality.  Why is he 'most-watched'?  Because he's hitting the Deep State hard.  That's why he's taking the flak, friends.

The Fox News host Tucker Carlson is linked to both nominees...:

Ruger's crimes are listed:

...Ruger viewed by his supporters as an opponent of U.S. military intervention who would work to limit the U.S. presence in Afghanistan and the region at large. He was described... by Arta Moeini, research director at the Institute for Peace and Diplomacy, as a "genuine anti-interventionist" who believes in a "less militarized" American foreign policy. Moeini, ...pointed to Ruger and Macgregor as good examples of Trump’s isolationist tendencies....

Standard trick in  "journalism":  use Eeeeeevil term "isolationist" to re-define 'anti-interventionist/less militarized.'   OK, we saw that.  Got anything better?

Well, they try "better" right here!!

..."I do not understand why the White House has nominated an anti-Israel, pro-open borders, hardcore isolationist to an important diplomatic post," said a second senior Republican congressional aide of Ruger, echoing the sentiments of several other officials who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon only on background...

See?  They increase the volume on 'isolationist' AND go to 'secret sources'.  TWO tricks, not only one!

I don't like that 'open-borders' thing, either.  But he will be in Afghanistan, not Mexico.  Doh.)  

And the Free Beacon/Continetti/Kristol rag finds another TOTES EEEEEEVIL duo!!

The controversial picks reflect the ascendance of John McEntee, the director of the Presidential Personnel Office ...McEntee as "the new, paleocon head of Trump administration personnel," describing him as "a fan of the articles of [American Conservative] founder Pat Buchanan."...

PJBuchanan opposed Wilson's Progressivism--the disease afflicting Kristol, Continetti, the entire Deep State and a crap-ton of Congressional aides--very effectively.  They still hate Buchanan with white-hot fury because he knocked GHW Bush for a loop in '92.  Sadly, PJB did not derail that Globaloney-pusher; but Trump, to his credit, has many of the same instincts as did PJB.

We'll see what's what after Trump's re-election, eh?

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