Thursday, September 10, 2020

Today's Jebbies by Fr. Paul Mankowski

 Dreher knew Fr. Paul Mankowski, SJ and writes an obit of sorts which includes a bit of Mankowski's writings.

Like this one:

...I once asked a mutual friend why Father Mankowski didn’t just leave the Jesuits. The friend said, “Just because your mama is a whore doesn’t mean you don’t love her.” I don’t know if that line came from Mankowski or not, but it might have....

Many moons ago, I had read some of Mankowski's stuff and found him to be orthodox AND enlightening.  Based on what's in Dreher's column here, I didn't read enough--for there is great piles of raucous humor in that opus which we should have read.

Not to worry.  We'll read it now.

To my knowledge, Fr. Mankowski was the last orthodox Jesuit.*  Fr. Healy and Fr. Hardon preceded him in death.  Requiescant in pace to all of them, none of whom did the Prancey-Dancey of James Martin, LBGQTSJ.

*CORRECTION:  Fr. Ken Baker is still alive, and per combox, Fr. Pacwa is a Jebby!


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  3. Sorry...trying to get everything into one comment...

    Fr. Baker still lives. And you may have forgotten about Fr. Bill Kurz (alas, not in good health!) and Fr. Mitch Pacwa...

  4. Egads!! Sorry to have put Fr B into his grave prematurely! Did not know that Fr P is a Jebby and yes, forgot about Fr Kurz who was at MU when I was---but we only met once, briefly.

  5. One other: Fr. Fessio. And there are a few here and there...i think they keep a low profile these days...

  6. More likely they're being suffocated by Jebby superiors.

  7. Great Jesuits still out there: Fr. John Brown, SJ; Fr. Ross Romero, SJ; Fr. Paul Shaunessy, SJ; Fr. Matt Gamber, SJ; Fr. Kevin Flannery, SJ; Fr. Tony Forte, SJ; Fr. Joesph Fessio, SJ. All friends of Fr. Mankowski. Pray for them.
