Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Rittenhouse Shoot: MORE Video

Tucker Carlson has previously unseen video on the Rittenhouse shootings in Kenosha.

In the last week, we've heard bleating and whining about the "humanitarians" who, in reality, threatened Rittenhouse with deadly force, as you'll see in these videos.  It's no accident that the bleating and whining came out recently; the Chicago lawyers representing the families knew that these were going to be made public.

Contrary to the unhinged yammering of a certain local RadioMouth, Kyle was there as a Good Samaritan, not to impose "vigilante" justice.  

These videos go a long, long, way toward proving that. 

Here's another site with the same stuff.



  2. Well, you tube is playing the game that you need to be of age to see this video, which is a bunch of BS on their part, but nothing stops you viewing it at Zero Hedge
