Friday, September 04, 2020

Georgetown's Wacked-Out "Professor" Brooks

The Jesuits at Georgetown University can hire whomever they want.  But it might be prudent for them to stay away from wacko-conspiracy nutbags.

A Washington Post op-ed published Thursday suggested Americans should prepare for war if the election result is anything but a landslide for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

The op-ed, titled “What’s the worst that could happen?” is written by Rosa Brooks, a law professor at Georgetown University. In it, Brooks notes that the Transition Integrity Project, which she co-founded, “built a series of war games,” gathered participants “and asked them to imagine what they’d do in a range of election and transition scenarios.”...

The first question Normal Americans ask is this:  "What the Hell are you doing writing fictional 'transition scenarios' as though they were "war games"??

You're about to find out, Deplorables!

“A landslide for Joe Biden resulted in a relatively orderly transfer of power. Every other scenario we looked at involved street-level violence and political crisis,” according to Brooks....

... “We explored the four scenarios experts consider most likely: a narrow Biden win; a big Biden win, with a decisive lead in both the electoral college and the popular vote; a Trump win with an electoral college lead but a large popular-vote loss, as in 2016; and finally, a period of extended uncertainty as we saw in the 2000 election,” Brooks wrote....

In other words, this Wack-A-Doodle is issuing a warning:  a vote for Trump is a vote for street-violence and crisis.

You probably noticed one other thing about this "game":  there was no landslide win for Trump in the mix of 'war-game scenarios' because "experts" don't consider that "likely."

Ahh.  Experts!!  

Wanna bet they all live on either the East or West Coast and drive Volvos, rarely attend any sort of church, and have more college degrees than children?


  1. More than just a journalist.

    Rosa Brooks is a professor at Georgetown University Law Center, where she co-directs the Georgetown Innovative Policing Program. She is also a reserve police officer in the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department; a fellow at the New America Foundation. She served as a counselor to the U.S. undersecretary of defense for policy from 2009 to 2011 and previously served as a State Department senior adviser.

    She wrote:
    Embrace the Chaos for the Council for Foreign Relations (CFR)

    U.S. foreign policy is a mess -- a big, aimless mess. But the only way to build a grand strategy is to accept both global disarray and American decline.

    By Rosa Brooks
    | November 14, 2014, 6:36 PM

    She is also a fellow at the New America Foundation which advocates for BLM and the removal of property rights.

    She has dined with "George" Soros according to Wikileaks.

  2. She has dined with "George" Soros

    And accepted his check for "work on demolishing the US."

    As Churchill once said to a woman, "Madam we know what you are. Now it's merely negotiating a price."


  3. The bishops are taking up the annual collection for Catholic higher education this weekend. My envelope, and I suspect many others, will go unused.
