Sunday, September 20, 2020

Bp Callahan Will NOT Lift "Dispensation"

In addition to publicly flogging Fr. Altman, the Bishop of LaCrosse has decided not to lift the dispensation from the Sunday obligation.

He cites 'numbers of co-vid cases' as the excuse along with difficulty 'maintaining social distance' in the churches of the Diocese.

"Cases" (really, positive tests) are up in EVERY college-town in Wisconsin, and LaCrosse is a college town.  Madison, Eau Claire, and Green Bay ALL have seen large pops in positives in the last 10 days.

Does the Bish think that all those college kiddies go to Mass every Sunday?

Something's going on here and it doesn't smell good.


  1. My 2 ¢ ... In late June, my husband instituted our family's obligation to return to Mass. He told each of our college age sons to get their buts in Church every Sunday. They put up a mild protest but ultimately have been going. I call on each father in their home to reinstitute the obligation to attend Sunday Mass under the fourth commandment and do the loving thing for their children's souls. The third commandment doesn't have a but or an unless. We all can just get our buts back in the pews for Sunday Mass regardless of any (potentially wrong) dispensation from obligation.

  2. Why does Bishop Callahan think that removing the dispensation will cause a large influx of faithful returning to Mass? It seems to me that nearly everyone that wants to keep the Sunday obligation is already going to Mass every week. I hope I'm being too pessimistic.

    What has been the result of re-instating the obligation in Milwaukee? Or South Dakota?

  3. Fr. Altman: Liberal Catholics are Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

  4. At my Milwaukee-area parish (near western suburb) attendance at last Sunday's late-morning Mass was not significantly better than it had been over the previous few months. But one Mass, Packer game, and a couple other factors make it difficult to tell what's "good" or "bad."

    Yah, no, I'm not going to run a tick-counter at all the Masses next week, either.
