Friday, September 11, 2020

Bp. Callahan v. Fr. Altman: Why?


Recently, a parish priest in LaCrosse preached a fiery sermon--available on YouTube--in which he flatly stated that one cannot vote Democrat and be Catholic.

Nuance aside--that one will be a Catholic forever by virtue of Baptism--you all get the drift.

This caused his Bishop, +Callahan, to publicly issue a letter saying that Fr. Altman's 'tone and manner' were not up to the Bishop's expectations and that the Bish was going to 'woodshed' Fr. Altman.  Further, if the priest does not change his 'tone and manner' (whatever), there would be "Canonical penalties."

One does not have to be Einstein to figure out why a Catholic Bishop is publicly flogging a Catholic priest for saying exactly what the Church clearly teaches, but riddle me this, Batman:  to what political party does the LaCrosse Congressional rep belong?  

Right-o.  Ron Kind is a Democrat, and a Party-Line Democrat.  He speechifies "moderate" and votes exactly the way Nancy tells him to.  Pro-abortion every damn time.  And the LaCrosse Diocese's borders are similar to the borders of Democrat Kind's district.

+Callahan has a problem, you see.  More than half of the voters in the Bishop's Diocese vote Democrat--meaning more than half of the dues-paying parish members out there are voting Democrat.

Hint:  "Dues-paying" means something here.

Yup.  Follow the money.  It's really very easy.


  1. Take an exit poll as they leave church.

  2. Bishop Callahan walks in the shadow of Cardinal Blase Cupich whom he quotes in a letter about Mass suppression because of the Wuhan virus. My mom always said "Birds of a feather flock together." Most of our bishops don't fly with eagles but with the pigeons who love the free handouts. I've never seen a pigeon peck the hand that feeds him.

  3. There were around a thousand people at the Rosary rally in support of Fr. Altman at the La Crosse cathedral today. They came by the busload from all over these U.S.
