Wednesday, August 19, 2020

UW-Madison and Kamala Harris' Commie Daddy

 Interesting little side-note on Tommy Thompson's UW-System.

[Father of K. Harris] Don Harris, a prominent Marxist professor, has been offered a full professorship in the Economics Department here, Department Chairman James Rosse confirmed yesterday. Rosse said Harris has not yet accepted the offer, but he “expects to hear from him this week.” Harris, who still holds a tenured position at the University of Wisconsin, has served as a visiting professor here, and is currently teaching at the University of the West Indies in Kingston, Jamaica.

The appointment is the direct result of student pressure in recent years to hire more faculty who favor an “alternative approach” to economics, said Economics Prof. John Gurley, who now teaches the only undergraduate course in Marxist economics. Gurley said the appointment of Harris was the culmination of a six-month “round-the-world” search for the most qualified Marxist professor available. ‘Exceptionally Good’ Gurley called Harris “an exceptionally good teacher, outstanding researcher and one of the leading young people in Marxist economics.”...

Remember all those suspicions your folks had about UW-Madistan?

They were not just "suspicions."

1 comment:

  1. I’m sure they think of it as an influence investment.
