Friday, August 28, 2020

Politifact Lying, Again

 Politifact was never a trustworthy source of "fact-checks."

Now it's just another MSMLiar, like CNN.

Here's their headline:

Says Jacob Blake “declared he had a gun in the car and was going to go get it” and was “brandishing” a knife 

That's accompanied by a "FALSE" icon.  But it's not actually "FALSE". 

How do I know that?  Read their own explanation.

While the claim that Blake was going for a gun in the car has not yet been verified, what do these jokes say about the knife?

...The DOJ has not clarified whether the knife was on the floorboard throughout the confrontation, or if Blake may have held it at some point. Spokeswoman Gillian Drummond declined to answer that question when asked by PolitiFact Wisconsin on Aug. 27, 2020.

Video taken by onlookers shows something in Blake’s hand, but the resolution is low, so it could be a knife, sunglasses or something else....

So.  It is not "FALSE" that Blake was brandishing a knife.  In fact, Politico has no idea what Blake had in his hand.

But there's more, and even more damning of this joke "fact-check" bunch.

 ...The man who said he made the widely shared cellphone video of the shooting, 22-year-old Raysean White, told the Associated Press he heard officers yell, "Drop the knife! Drop the knife!" as they scuffled with Blake before the shooting. ...

So the cops are yelling "Drop the knife" because Blake is carrying sunglasses?  

I have a couple of pals who are dyed-in-the-wool Democrats.  They will be using this "fact" check for at least the next 24 hours.....or as long as it takes for the actual facts to emerge.

Somehow, I don't think the actual facts and the "Fact-Check" facts will be congruent.  Do you?

1 comment:

  1. The Nation is coming apart over sh*t like this. Just what the Left seems to really want.
