Friday, August 14, 2020

Covid Porn!!

Yes, that's a category.

You find Covid Porn on all MSM sites, usually with REALLY SCARY NUMBERS (that are actually meaningless) and the totally non-scary reality buried about 30 grafs down--if it's there at all.


First graf:

The increase in deaths in New York City during the early months of the covid-19 pandemic rivals the death toll there at the peak of the 1918 flu pandemic, according to an analysis published Thursday....

Scared yet?  1918 was the Spanish Flu and it was VERY dangerous.

Now here's the "Reality" graf, followed by more Covid Porn:

....New York in 1918 had a population of 5.5 million people, so the death rate of 287 per 100,000 person-months was greater than the 202 of the current covid-19 pandemic. Person-months is a way of measuring the number of deaths in a population during a specific period of time.

But the current outbreak has seen a more dramatic rise in "excess deaths" - the number of fatalities above what would be expected in a normal year....

If you're paying attention, you'll notice that the report is about New York State.  You'll also notice that the name "Cuomo" is not mentioned, despite the fact that Cuomo's policies KILLED thousands of elderly New York residents by forcing Covid patients into nursing homes.  Not much different from using Zyklon-B as a water substitute in showers.



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