Sunday, July 05, 2020

The Revolt of the Normies

American Thinker runs a piece describing the (illegal) fireworks displays in Southern California which--apparently--are a reaction to the Governor's prohibition of civic fireworks celebrations.

Social distancing and all that mythology, ya'know.

The piece includes a video clip which is reminiscent of a clip run by Channel 6 here in Milwaukee last night, apparently from their downtown "tower cam".  There were fireworks all over the place, just like in SoCal.

And there were a bunch of them out here in Exurbia, too--some obviously run by municipalities, others not so, generating complaints from Karens whose 'doggies were disturbed'.  (Not making that up.)

Meantime, the anarcho-Marxists were doing their thing in D.C. and Portland, were a riot was in progress last night complete with an assault on the Federal courthouse downtown.

At some point in time, the anarcho-Marxists are going to meet up with the Normies.  Let's hope it's over a very friendly beer or three at a (finally re-opened) tavern.


  1. They tear down statues, vandalize city blocks, and threaten toe lei nay else whites, and spotting off bottle rockets is a counteroffensive showing strength?
    Yes, there are many who want to do something that will stope the maoists, but we need leadership and a show of force. We need to scream at our police to defend the city structures. Tear down the Lenin and other Marxist symbols that decorate our land. Charge these people with insurrection and sedition, Free speech is one thing, violence against the State is a crime that needs to be charged.

  2. Umnnnnnhhhhh.....the fireworks thing was a big "FU" to silly wimpy Mayors and Mayor-ettes who proclaimed Prison Camp for July 4th.

    Agreed that the (D) city officials are wimpy twits.
