Sunday, July 19, 2020

The FACTS About Portland Fed Police

The usual Disinformation Sources (a/k/a 'the press') are spreading the usual disinformation about apprehensions being made in Portland, OR., by Federal police.

...The role of the federal law enforcement forces has been to defend federal property and pursue riot agitators who have violated federal law.  One of the chief violations, aside from vandalism, attempted arson, etc. against federal property, and attacks on federal law enforcement personnel, has been crossing state lines to engage in rioting and inciting to riot.

This past week, federal officers have reportedly begun arresting Antifa (“black bloc”) operatives and questioning them.  Most of the individuals appear to be detained for a few hours for questioning and then released.  That’s the experience recounted by those who post on social media about it.  There’s zero evidence of anyone being “disappeared.”  The federal officers – dealing with crime patterns of assault, vandalism, and organized, state-line-crossing rioting – are using the lawful means at their disposal to root out the perpetrators and get them charged and off the streets.

Experienced journalists like Andy Ngo indicate the agitators are well aware of who the federal officers are, and are creating videos to present a false narrative....

Oh, NOOOOOOOOOOOES!!!  A False Narrative?  Who'da Thunk??

...Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Mark Morgan, whose personnel are participating in the security surge, points out that the federal officers are, in fact, marked by organization, and are wearing “POLICE” bibs on duty....

They aren’t going to display their names on their uniforms, given that Antifa is known to be actively engaged in doxxing law enforcement officers and menacing their families and homes....

See, folks, video goes both ways. 


  1. Here is the reality, not Dad29's Fake News.

  2. OK, I read the links you posted (except the NYT, which is the InfoWars of the Left...)

    Nothing substantial there, but a lot of "if", "perhaps" and "maybe" statements.

