Thursday, July 09, 2020

Right On, Kanye!!

Kanye West figured out the deal with Planned Parenthood.

...“Planned Parenthoods have been placed inside cities by white supremacists to do the Devil’s work,” the “Jesus Is King” crooner told the financial news outlet. “I am pro-life because I’m following the word of the Bible.”

West said last year that the Democratic Party is pushing abortion and dependence on welfare on black Americans. “Bro, we brainwashed out here,” the rapper said in a radio interview. “Come on…this a free man talking. Democrats had us voting Democrat for years…. taking the fathers out of the home, Plan B, lowering our votes, making us abort our children.”...

.........and he also figured out the deal with LBJ's "Great Society."

The rest of his platform should be interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to see him run 3rd party. Remember what a 3rd party libertarian does to the Republican candidate vote? What do you think this fool could do to the Dem vote? Maybe take half the black vote?
