Monday, July 27, 2020

Madistan Sitrep: Worse

Between 30 and 50 “protesters” prevented Madison police from leaving the South Madison precinct police station for calls Sunday night (07-26-2020) at around 7 p.m.

Protesters blocked the driveway with vehicles and refused to let officers leave the property at the end of their shift for almost two hours. Other officers trying to get in to work were not allowed in.

Captain Mike Hanson told the Werkes command staff made sure police were out of the station and staged elsewhere. “We were able to respond to 911 calls.”

An officer was sent out to parlay with the crowd “but the rest of the crowd shouted him down, wouldn’t let a normal conversation happen.

“It was a lot of yelling and screaming and vulgarities.” 

Remarkably, there were no arrests! Captain Hanson said his crew allowed freedom of speech and arrests would have exacerbated tensions.

Hanson is obviously campaigning to become the next Chief of Police in Madistan (the current Chief is "interim" and may not want the permanent slot.) 

We also note that the State's largest news-rag does NOT have this story up, despite having two full-time Democrat Propagandists reporters in the Capitol.

Must not fit The Narrative, eh?

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    You may want to post this!
