Friday, July 24, 2020

HCQ for the Win!!

This guy is pretty good at what he does.  Teaches at Yale, is cited at 39K++ papers, get the drift.  He indicts the CDC here, with artillery.

"As professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health, I have authored over 300 peer-reviewed publications and currently hold senior positions on the editorial boards of several leading journals....

When this inexpensive oral medication [hydroxychloroquine] is given very early in the course of illness, before the virus has had time to multiply beyond control, it has shown to be highly effective, especially when given in combination with the antibiotics azithromycin or doxycycline and the nutritional supplement zinc."...

He goes on to say that, had we used HCQ early on, we would have saved about 100,000 lives.

Well, then.  Now that we know the CDC is a murderous weapon, let's send it to Red China and have it be the house doctor for the Chinese Communist Party.

1 comment:

  1. Appeal to authority. I thought we are not to trust Ivy League types. Apparently, when it suits your fancy, you do, but when their analysis totally contradicts your beliefs, you scoff at them. How terribly hypocritical.
