Friday, July 31, 2020

Epstein on 'Law & Order SVU'

Yes, Law & Order SVU aired a show based on Jeff Epstein.

"Flight”—season 12, episode 15 of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, which aired in 2011—cold opens like any other SVU episode: with a crisis. An unaccompanied 12-year-old on a plane to Paris freaks out after her seatmate, an older man, reaches over her to close the window shade. We learn that she’s been triggered: two nights prior the girl was sexually assaulted at a party in New York City.

The perpetrator, she says, flew her to New York on a private jet. She thought she was coming for a modeling job. Instead she wound up at a birthday party where, she tells detectives Elliot Stabler (Christopher Meloni) and Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay), she and other young girls were the unsuspecting birthday presents. The recipient: a “billionaire pervert”—so described by the ever tactful SVU—named Jordan Hayes (Colm Feore). Hayes wanted a massage, the victim said, but she had to remove her clothes to give it. The assault proceeded from there.

Here's the question:  who tipped off the show's authors?  NYPD?  The FBI?  Israeli intel?  Russian intel?  CIA?  NSA?? 

FBI knew what was going on and ignored NYPD tried to get the light shining on the matter.

Or was it the other way around, with NYPD deep-sixing the matter and FBI wanting it brought to light?

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