Thursday, July 16, 2020

"Don't Visit Chicago" Sez Chicago Mayor-ette

The Mayor-ette of Chicago has been a disaster for that city's crime rate.  Or put another way, she's been great for criminals who shoot to kill random people and children, or who like rioting and looting on the Magnificent Mile on weekend nights.

Now she's going to pull a new stunt.

...Starting on July 6, Lightfoot ordered people traveling into Chicago to spend 14 days quarantined if they were coming from spending more than 24 hours in the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nevada, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Utah.

Iowa and Oklahoma will be added to the list effective this Friday, according to the city.

As for the possible addition of Wisconsin, which has seen increasing cases in the past week, Lightfoot said her administration is keeping an eye on the neighbor to the north where many Chicagoans vacation....

There are a LOT of people living in Wisconsin who sell goods and services to businesses in the City of Chicago.  And there are many (less every year) who like to shop your "Mag Mile."

So.......Ms. Lightfoot.........if Joe Blow from Kenosha intends to make a one-hour sales call to a Chicago outfit, does Joe Blow have to wait two weeks in one of your City's hotels first?  If Susie Smith wants to take a few hours to shop downtown, does she have to sit in a hotel first?

Asking for a friend.

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