Sunday, July 12, 2020

Cop's Railroad-Job on Priest Upended

Roger Stone is not the only victim of railroading in the USA.

A priest in Detroit, Fr. Perrone, was also a victim.  But in Perrone's case, an arbitration panel ruled that the investigating cop has to pay Perrone $125K in damages.

...The panel unanimously found that LePage was guilty of defamation for falsely claiming Perrone raped John Doe, when Doe never made these claims himself....

But there's more!!

LePage — who once said she wanted to "beat Fr. Perrone into the ground" — was tapped to help investigate claims against Perrone on behalf of the archdiocese, working closely with [Mgr.] Bugarin [Vicar for Clergy of the Archdiocese], who was also her parish priest at St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church in St. Clair Shores.
However, the panel's award is not final.

Meantime, the Archdiocese has not yet restored Fr. Perrone to 'active' status, perhaps because of Bugarin's position and apparent animus towards the priest.  And the Macomb County Sheriff has not taken any disciplinary action against the perjuring deputy---yet.


  1. I think you mean "Perrone"...Fr. Perricone, thank God, has had no troubles-yet...

  2. Roger Stone is a crook.
