Monday, July 20, 2020

About Those Polls

John McLaughlin has been around as a pollster for a long time.  What he says means something.

...Speaking on “The Cats Roundtable” radio show on WABC 770 AM hosted by John Catsimatidis, McLaughlin explained that “The media is polling [all] adults. Not likely voters. If you poll likely voters, like Rasmussen did, where you use a model of actual voter turnout, Republicans, who vote over 90% for Trump, will be one-third of the poll.

They were 33% in the exit polls in 2016. When you do [all] adults, there aren’t as many Republicans because any adult in the United States could even mean… non-citizens could be in that poll because they’re randomly calling cell phones and landlines.”

McLaughlin emphasized that when the polls do that, which he insisted they are doing on purpose, “you just cut Donald Trump‘s vote total by 8 to 9 points. So, of course you’re saying we’re getting blown out,” adding that “It’s the same thing that happened four years ago. Four years ago all these polls that said that Donald Trump couldn’t win.”...

We would add that a somewhat-more-credible poll would be "registered voters."  "All adults" results is just plain silly.

Nonetheless, he expects this to be a close election.

So vote early and often, just as though you were living in Milwaukee or Madistan!!


  1. LOL, McLaughlin clung to the results of these same polls (polling all adults) whenever a GOP presidential incumbent or challenger was in the lead. So he is being patently dishonest here when questioning the legitimacy of the polls, which have been used for a long time.

  2. Surely you have documentation for your claims. Right??
