Monday, June 15, 2020

SCOTUS Continues Legislating Nutbaggery

Today, the Supreme Court legislated--again--just like when Roberts & Co. declared a new law regarding ObamaCare.

This time, they wrote a new law which Congress never wrote and the President (any President) never signed, declaring that Trannies are included in "sex-discrimination" legislation.  That's because Roberts (and mow Gorsuch) along with the Usual Miscreants, are just so much more Congressional than Congress.

Trump and The Turtle have a lot more work to do, assuming that The Turtle actually understands and cares about Right Order.

1 comment:

  1. So much for the "conservative" justices Trump has appointed.
    Christian morals? They have modern morals, Protestants all of them at best, not Orthodox, not Traditional Catholics...
    If you follow a church made by man, you will have ever eroding/shifting morals pliable to the times of man.
    A Church founded by Christ is timeless.
