Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Antifa "Domestic Terrorists"? Democrats Disagree

The Democrat Party's 2020 version of the KKK is Antifa.

So Antifa gets protection.

House Judiciary Democrats appear to be all in for protecting left wing terrorism, after their decision to strike down a commonsense proposal to include left-wing terrorism in H.R. 5602, “The Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2020”.

The amendment, made by Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO), documented dozens of specific violent incidents by left-wing groups or individuals. As the text stands, H.R. 5602’s findings mention only right-wing or white supremacist attacks. The legislation does mentions recent antisemitic attacks in New Jersey and New York, but fails to mention that perpetrators were reportedly linked to the Black Hebrew Israelites, a fringe African American group that the FBI has identified as a potential terror risk. This follows on repeated efforts by some on the left -including Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib- to conflate these and similar attacks on Jews in the region with white supremacy, despite the actual identity of the perpetrators....
Rather than "systemic racism," the US should be discussing "systemic terrorism" of Democrat allies, both domestic and international.

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