Friday, May 15, 2020

Tony Evers Cancels Poster Order

It is NOT true that this is a picture of A. Palm, (MS Social Work, Abortion Barbie).

Further, no matter whose picture it is,  Evers has cancelled his order for 1,000,000 of these posters, folks, until he can gin up a little Globull Climate Change B.S., folks.


HT:  Last Refuge


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hi, Jiffy!

    Bye, Jiffy!!

    Stick with the topic, Jiffy.

  3. The topic IS science.

    Speaking of it, the Republican candidate in a hotly contested special election in California was being declared the winner after voting was conducted almost entirely by mail.

    Wait, I thought science proved that mail-in ballots are "subject to tremendous corruption. Tremendous corruption, cheating," Donald Trump told reporters. "And so I'm against it. "We're not going to lose elections because of that."

    Looks like Republican businessman Mike Garcia's victory was the result of fraud. There must be an immediate investigation.
