Sunday, May 24, 2020

MN Gov. Walz Caves to Churches And The Constitution

During the last week, the Bishops of Minnesota and their Missouri Lutheran correspondents announced that they would be opening their churches in direct defiance of Gov. Walz's "Imprisonment" orders.  Then President Trump suggested that he might intervene if necessary.  This post could be titled "Unruly Catholics, Lutherans, Exercise Religion"

Walz caved.

We pastors of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul - Minneapolis have just received official word from our chancery that the Governor of Minnesota will be substantially relaxing his restrictions upon religious gatherings to allow for up to 250 persons to gather in churches. The Governor will announce this on Tuesday and Catholic Masses will begin in churches the following day.  Without doubt this significant compromise on the part of the Governor is due to the heroic efforts of the Catholic Bishops of our State and the equally heroic directive of President Trump to open up churches immediately. The State, our Nation and the entire Church and world should be grateful to these faithful Bishops and fearless President.
While Trump cannot "order" States to conform to the Constitution's Free Exercise clause, he can sic the entire Department of Justice on them as he did in Illinois on a related matter.

Here's the question:  what took the Minnesota Bishops so long?


  1. But in Michigan, Whitmer would have no problem sending LEOs into churches if the clergy there imitated their brethren in Minnesota...

  2. Oh, yes she would. She may be crazy and power-mad but the Michigan State Cops are not crazy, nor power-mad.

  3. Hebda is a progressive rat.

  4. We know that about him.

    I cannot 'splain what prompted this move--except, perhaps, some Daddy Warbucks told him "NO MO' MONEY" until the churches were opened.
