Sunday, May 24, 2020

Milwaukee's Very Strange Church Re-Opening

The Archbishop of Milwaukee sent a letter to a couple dozen near-South Side Catholic churches, telling them that they will REMAIN closed for the foreseeable future.  The reasoning is.......strange.  Some have called it "racist" since those parishes have largely Hispanic membership.

Here's the operative text:

...The Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s Catholic Comeback calls for the gradual return to Sunday Mass beginning on Pentecost Sunday, May 31. However, some have expressed concerns, particularly in the City of Milwaukee, about the ability to do so safely and responsibly.

After consultation with the Vicar General for the area and with some of the pastors of the near south side Milwaukee parishes, I have concerns about our ability to control both attendance and proper social distancing protocols. The health and safety of our people is our priority. I do not want to put anyone at undue risk. Given my understanding of the current health realities, the risk of returning to Mass for Pentecost is a risk in good conscience that I cannot take.

As such, I am directing the parishes of the near south side of Milwaukee to delay the return to Mass beyond May 31. It is important that we stay unified in our decisions and in the gradual return to Mass and the reopening of our parishes....
One not-Hispanic casualty is St Stanislaus, an ICK parish using the Old Rite Mass.  The parishioners there come from all over the greater Milwaukee area although there are some Hispanic members.


  1. " is important that we stay unified..." Since the salvation of souls is the supreme law of the Church, it is important to receive the Sacrament of Penance, attend Mass and receive Holy Communion. Sincere Catholics are united in that understanding of our Faith.

  2. I love the "in good conscience" part. So serious! So dependable! So loyal . . . to the whims of his leftist overlords, that is.

  3. Wise move, Archdiocese.
