Saturday, May 16, 2020

MIchigan Totalitaribitch Hit by Another Lawsuit

It seems that Michgan has a greater affliction than Wisconsin, although it's only a matter of degree.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is having a tough time with the American legal system, which does not take kindly to dictators....I would have paid good money to have been in the room when she was served with a new lawsuit brought by doctors and one patient claiming her draconian lockdown orders have created a medical “time bomb” for patients who were awaiting elective surgeries and now cannot get them....

The WaTimes article is quoted:

...In addition to the economic devastation, Ms. Whitmer’s order has left hospitals and patients facing a dangerous backlog on procedures that will create a public health catastrophe of its own, said Dr. Randal Baker, a general surgeon and president of Grand Health Partners, a plaintiff based in Grand Rapids....
Some patients have had serious repercussions, described in the link.

And--surprise!!--all that is based on the same card-trick magic-numbers crapola that Evers' Abortion-Barbie Palm used:

...“Graphics depicted that while Governor Whitmer’s administration anticipated 220,000 patients being hospitalized without social distancing efforts, there had only been 3,000 hospitalizations as of April 27,” the lawsuit states. “That is less than 1.4% of the projected COVID-19 hospitalizations underlying the governor’s declared states of emergency and disaster.”...
And Totalitaribitch lies about it!

...The plaintiffs alleged that Whitmer tried to claim her order never meant to stop elective procedures, but Jordan Warnsholz, a physician’s assistant, told the Washington Times that her order specifically banned them. “She’s backtracking — she says her original order did not imply a complete ban of ‘non-emergency’ medical procedures and she’s right, it explicitly banned them,” he said.
Aren't you happy about the Wisconsin Pubbies, the Wisconsin Constitution, and SCOWI?  Well, you should be.


  1. Dad29,

    I know someone with good info your bad bishop. How can I or she contact you?

    Fred Martinez

  2. Fred, I don't "unmask", sorry. Besides, his actions speak loudly.
