Thursday, May 28, 2020

J-S Headline Editor/Liar

The story under the headline is not particularly interesting.

But the headline?  Pure Communist-China propaganda.  That is to say, a lie.

"More Than 100,000 Americans, Eclipsing Any Other Country--Coronavirus Updates"

That's the headline found on the "front page" of the paper.

You don't have to be very smart to ask the question:  WHAT ABOUT RED CHINA, WHERE WUHAN IS?  A whistleblower said Wuhan had cremated 50,000 victims by February.  Not "all of China"--just Wuhan.

Yah--well--the J-S' headline editor--a liar--hopes you don't think about that.   

1 comment:

  1. The whistleblower is Chinese. Can't trust them at all.
