Sunday, April 19, 2020

Yoo-Hoo!! Abp. Listecki!!

Somebody awaken Abp. Listecki and have him smell the men's coffee.

A federal judge on Saturday blocked Kansas from limiting attendance at in-person religious worship services or activities to 10 people or fewer to check the spread of the coronavirus, signaling that he believes there’s a good chance the policy violates religious freedom and free speech rights.

The ruling from U.S. District Judge John Broomes in Wichita prevents the enforcement of an order issued by Gov. Laura Kelly if pastors and congregations observe social distancing. The judge’s decision will remain in effect until May 2; he has a hearing scheduled Wednesday in a lawsuit filed against Kelly by two churches and their pastors....
This is a lawsuit which should have been filed in Wisconsin on March 26th by Wisconsin Catholic Bishops.  But they chose to kowtow to Tony Evers and his Abortion Barbies, Gau and Palm.

Tomorrow is Monday.  Think Matt Flynn can copy/paste the Kansas complaint and file it?  If he won't because he's a Party Functionary, Rick Esenberg will.

1 comment:

  1. Listecki is a "lawyer" himself, but he wouldn't know where to find the courthouse in order to file a case.
